Services & Products


NCI bowser delivery service consists of 3x 2000L capacity bowsers all fitted with motors and meters calibrated by BOBS. This allows us to service customers who aren't able to reach our depots in both Tlowkeng and Chobe areas.

We fuel trucks, Tanks and industrial machinery requiring diesel.

Service only available in Gaborone and Chobe areas.


In 2014, Gazpromneft-Lubricants increased its international market coverage to 52 countries including new additions such as Romania, Hungary, Taiwan, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Guyana, Israel, Bangladesh, Ghana, and others. Since July 2020 its being supplied by NCI in Botswana.

Gazpromneft has over 400 OEM that covers just about all types of engines, gearboxes, hydraulic systems that would not damage any warranties.

Gazpromneft lubricants have shown to be a better performing product compared to other lubricants out in the market. (Please see link below for lubricant OEMs to make comparisons)

OEM approval letters are available online and